Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I would like to register a company for it

My professor called me yesterday, and we talked about our project. He asked me to change some parts of the registration. I am really against any changes before going to the market, but he said that it was necessary. I thought about it, and he was right. It could give us a great opportunity to get lots of more users.

Me: Man, we need more people for this project. It was not a project that one could do himself alone. I did that, but I should have done it.
He: As soon as you finish this part, I am going to register a company for us, and I will put $50,000 so that we can get people help you with it.

You know what? I think that my time is worth it. If I can have this company, I can start making money. It can help me a lot toward my goals. I spent lots of time (almost a year) to build a great infrastructure for my future projects. In addition, no market can be as profitable as this market if we can enter this market and be successful. My plan is to finish this part and get a girlfriend after that. I saw many girls, and I can chose one of them. Talory, Ann and Alison are the most amazing girls in my school, and I may not be able to be with them. I will try, but if I couldn't, I would start with a lower grade girls.

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